Management information system implementation report in the organization pawnshop (pegadaian)
internal control, management information system, operational efficiency, decision making, information technology, regulatory complianceAbstract
This study presents an in-depth analysis of the implementation of Management Information Systems (MIS) in pawnshop organizations, aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making effectiveness. In the context of modern organizations, MIS plays a crucial role in the collection, storage, processing, and distribution of information, which is essential to support fast and accurate business processes.However, pawnshops face various challenges, including limitations in technology and information systems that still rely on manual methods, hindering transaction management, collateral recording, and financial reporting. Additionally, compliance with regulations is a critical issue,where non-compliance can negatively affect reputation and operations. Human resource constraints also contribute to these challenges, as low employee motivation and retention can impact organizational performance. This report identifies the impacts of these issues on operational efficiency and accurate decision-making. As a solution, the adoption of an integrated MIS is recommended, which can automate various business processes, improve data accuracy, and facilitate compliance with regulations. By utilizing advanced systems, pawnshops are expected to enhance overall performance, improve internal oversight, and build public trust through better transparency. This implementation is anticipated not only to address existing problems but also to provide a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive market
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